I give innovative, entertaining talks & presentations full of useful & practical information that inspires audiences and encourages them to take action.

With 25 years’ experience working in a variety of sectors and industries – corporate, SME and retail, book publishing, professional membership services and business consultancy – I speak with passion, insight, authority and understanding on topics such as business development, marketing, strategic use of social media, and personal branding.

In a rapidly changing world, it’s important for business owners to feel they are up to speed on key aspects of running a successful business.  Through my down-to-earth approach, I help turn aha-s into actions, insights into implementation.  I aim to demystify key themes and share real-world, hands-on advice, ideas and knowledge which they can directly apply in their own business.

If you are looking for an enthusiastic, engaging, approachable speaker or presenter to provoke thought, stimulate ideas or stretch minds, just contact me for details of my rates and availability.

My talks explore:


Online branding for SME owners and professionals

Attracting new clients

Creating a publishing income stream for your business

Creating an effective Social Media marketing strategy for your business

Goal setting for businesses

Including Social Media in your business marketing strategy

Marketing tips for authors and self-publishers

Promotion on a tight budget

Self-publishing for beginners

Social Media Platforms for businesses

The Sales Process – preparing the ground work

Time Management –  reducing overwhelm and creating systems that support you & your business




Copywriting Masterclass

This one day event is designed for business owners & managers who have serious intentions in mastering copywriting techniques. Designed to be a highly practical, action-orientated programme, it provides the tools and know-how to make immediate and lasting changes to the way you promote your business. The agenda includes hot seat slots, interactive work, networking opportunities and VIP sessions which look at an individual’s website. This is an intensive and results-driven course suitable for owners of SMEs and business managers who are committed to implementation and delivering outcomes. Early bird rates and multi-booking discounts will be available. For further information, please email.