Why Congruence is a key feature of successful…

Why Congruence is a key feature of successful business planning

I’ve been covering the theme of congruence and authenticity a great deal in my work, most recently in the teleseminar I gave on Creating A Compelling Online Brand. I refer to it in context of many key business goals & objectives such as attracting new clients, developing personal brands, and creating marketing copy that generates income and builds your pipeline.

Some of you might ask why it’s relevant to business planning and coming from a sales & marketing background, often in a corporate setting, the idea of working on congruence seemed rather unnecessary and rather self-indulgent. However, I am very happy to admit how wrong I was!

I firmly believe that one needs to have goals and visions set out before spending time and effort rushing out and doing. Prior preparation and planning (but not so much that one doesn’t actually do anything!) helps us to keep on track and not waste our valuable resources on actions that doesn’t generate the best benefits.

This is why I have learnt the value of spending part of that time is spent on really getting to grips with congruence – getting clear, really clear on what it is you offer, your value to your niche target market (your community), your understanding of what your niche actually wants or needs, and what makes you special and different.

Congruence in this context means that you are in true alignment with your sense of self – in terms of who you are, what you do, what you offer and although this sounds simple on paper, few people reach congruence without putting in some reflection and work.

If, for example, I gave you no more than five minutes to explain, in 15 words or less, what you have to offer a potential client/supplier/partner, could you do it? Can you say “without hesitation, deviation or repetition” (thank you, Radio 4’s Just a Minute) why you are just the right person to work with and what makes your different and special?

If you are unsure, you won’t convince someone else that you have the knowledge, expertise, understanding, experience, insight, authority, and products/services that are right for them.

Showing your target market/community your real sense of conviction and self- confidence makes you an attractive person and draws people to you – people buy certainty and trust what you have to offer. Establishing congruence allows your community to know, like and trust you.

If they are going to invest time & money working with you or buying your products and services, they need to know that you are the right person for the job. If you are to convince them, you need to feel that you are the right person too…

Don’t miss the replay for my webinar on Creating a compelling online brand. Sign up here http://tiny.cc/7o6py